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“Sooner or later you´ve got to support yourself in the world outside.”


“For Goodness´ sake - it´s all foreign! I want a cream tea!!”


This page was getting really really untidy - what with all the topics floating freely about. Some of them were quite outdated by now, anyway. So I cleared all the stuff up and made a more pupil-friendly page.... To find the information you need, just read this list of questions and choose the one that seems interesting to you. (If you want to browse the whole page, so much the better. A hardworking, striving pupil you are!)

Question 1: Is the Worst Witch being aired in other languages than English?

Question 2: Are there any websites in other languages than English?

Question 3: Can one purchase any WW items translated into other languages?

Question 4: Do the characters´ names in the translated versions differ from those used in Jill Murphy´s books and in the TV series?

Question 5: Can I have a list of the episode titles in dubbed versions?

Question 6: Does the school song get translated as well?

Question: Is the Worst Witch being aired in other languages than English?

Now - will you believe it? The Worst Witch is shown in several countries besides UK and Canada, Australia and US - and accordingly it has been dubbed into diff lingos as well. As far as I know this includes French, Spanish, German and Dutch (and even dubbing into American accent - I kid you not!) - it might even include Finnish and Polish and Japanese, cos I´ve read that WW is also shown there - though whether dubbed or subtitled, I don´t know. If you´ve got any informations about any dubbed version which I didn´t already put up below, please mail me!

Question: Are there any websites in other languages than English?

Answer: Hardly any.

You can find a link to some Spanish WW site on my broomstick practise/links page - as far as I know there are currently no other Worst Witch pages in other languages than English. The KIKA (www.kika.de) that shows the Worst Witch in German (where it is called “Eine lausige Hexe” - “A lousy witch”) used to have some page for the show while it was being aired.  This channel is a german equivalent to YTV and CITV - they have shown WW since Autumn 1999 - and since then  they repeated each year (sometimes in summer, sometimes in autumn) all the seasons which had been dubbed to german by then. By now they are regularly showing season  one to four on the KIKA first - and later included in a really rotten show called Tabaluga TV which is also shown on KIKA and on ZDF (An equivalent to BBC2). Here´s a link to a small german WW page as well - it mainly deals with Harry Potter, though.

Question: Can you purchase any WW items translated into other languages?

Answer: Yes, you can. You´ve got to order via internet mostly, though.

The WW  - in French: Amaudine Malabule - is shown in Canada in French, so it would be logical to show in in France as well. Whether this is done I don´t know. However, by now the first season of the Worst Witch has been released on DVD in the USA (the DVD don´t have any country code, so you should be able to play them on all DVD Players all round the world. This DVD set holds the first 13 episodes in English, French, German, Spanish and American English. You can try to buy this set on amazon.com or hmv. comI don´t actually remember what I paid for them. You can also buy the first 13 episodes dubbed into German on video tape (PAL European standard) at www.amazon.de - there are six tapes all in all and they used to cost about 20 Mark each (about 10 Euro) - but in later they were sold cheaper. They are called: “Eine lausige Hexe - Zauberin (sic) will gelernt sein”. There are also the books by Jill Murphy on which the telly series is based. They have been translated to French and you can buy them at www.amazon.fr if you want to. Currently, the fourth volume seems to be out of print and can´t be purchased. The first three volumes are: “Amandine Malabul - Sorcière maladroite”, “Amandine Malabul - La sorcière a des ennuis” and “Amandine Malabul - la sorcière ensorcelée”. All volumes are poperback editions by “Folio Cadet” and cost about 8 Euro. Recently, the first two volumes of the Worst Witch have also been translated to German and are available at www.amazon.de. They are called: “Eine lausige Hexe” and “Eine lausige Hexe zaubert weiter” and have been published by “Diogenes”. Both Hardback volumes cost about 10 Euro each. There are also three volumes of the Worst Witch books in Dutch: “De Hopeloze Heks” (The hopeless Witch), “De hopeless Heks slaat opnieuw toe” (The Worst Witch strikes again) and “De Hopeloze Heks zit in de Knoei” (The hopeless Witch is in trouble). (Thanks to Jitske for sending those titles!) I don´t know where those dutch books have been published and whether you can purchase a copy via internet, though.  As far as I know there are no other translations into any other languages.

Question: Do the characters´ names in the translated versions differ from those used in Jill Murphy´s books and in the TV series?

Answer: Oh, boy, yes. I´ve collected lots of infos about the german version - and also the French names from the Telly series (Thanks to Arnaud who sent them to me! ) and from the books. There´s also a list of the Dutch names from the Telly series (Thanks to Jitske who provided those!)

German Characters           French Characters             Dutch Characters


German Characters:

The Kika changed the names of most of the cast - and here you can find a list of the new names (“Miss” would be “Fräulein” in German - but as that´s a kind of oldfashioned way of addressing a woman, , the teachers are all called “Frau - Mrs” instead.) In Germany you don´t have to be married to be a “Mrs”. Below you can also read a list of the episode titles as dubbed into German. I´ve put down the german names and then retranslated them to English so U can judge for yourself whether the change of name made any sense (mostly it doesn´t...)

Miss Amelia Cackle - Frau Amalie Graustein - Mrs Amelia Greystone

Miss Constance Hardbroom - Frau Constanze Harschmann  - “HM” - Mrs Constanze Harshman

Miss Davina Bat - Frau Davina Maus - Mrs Davina Mouse

Miss Imogen Drill - Frau Limone Drill - Mrs Lemona Drill

Mildred Hubble - Mildred Hoppelt - Mildred Hopping

Maud Moonshine - Mona Mondschein  - Mona Moonshine

Enid Nighshade - Edith Nachtschatten - Edith Nightshade

Ethel Hallow - Esther Edel - Esther Noble

Drusilla Paddock - Drusilla Blaumilch - Drusilla Bluemilk

Jadu Wali (same in german)

Ruby Cherrytree - Ruby Kirschenkern - Ruby Cherrystone

Griselda Blackwood - Griselda Schwarzberg - Griselda Blackmountain

Fenella Feverfew - Fenella Feuerfee - Fenella Firefairy

Sibyl Hallow - Sybille Edel - Sybil Noble

Clarice Crow - Clarissa ´Kräusel - Clarissa Curl

Miss Hecketty Broomhead - Frau H. Brummschädel - Mrs H. Hangover (yes, really!)

Frank Blossom - Frank Blütenstaub - Frank Pollen

Mrs Tapioca (same in German)

Egbert Helibore (same in German)

Algernon Rowan Webb - Algernon Wunschstein-Flopp - Algernon Wishstone-Flop (yes, really. Doesn´t make sense at all)

Merlin Longstaff - Merlin Langohr - Merlin Longear



Question: Can I have a list of the episode titles in dubbed versions?

Answer: Yes, but for the moment I´ve just got the episode titles for the four german seasons here. More to follow...

Episode titles:

Season one:

1) Battle of the broomsticks - Die Besenflugprüfung - The Broomstickflying test

2) When we feast in the midnight hour - Das Mitternachtsfest - The midnight feast

3) A pig in a poke - Schwein gehabt - We´ve had a pig there! (meaning: a lucky escape)

4) A mean Halloween - Die Hauptrolle - The main part

5) Double, double, toil and trouble - Alverix orcus, transfrogamorphus

6) Monkey business - Ein Affentheater- Monkey´s theatre (meaning: havoc)

7) Miss Cackle´s Birthday surprise - Frau Grausteins Geburtstag - Mrs Greystone´s Birthday

8) The great outdoors - Der Schulausflug - The Outing

9) The Heat is on - Der Durstlöscher - The Thirstquencher

10) Sorcery and chips - Hexerei  im Internet - Witchcraft on the Web

11) Let them eat cake - Teestube in Gefahr - Tearoom in danger

12) Sweettalking guys - Die Zauberlehrlinge - The Wizard Apprentices

13) A bolt out of the blue - Der letzte Schultag - The last day of school

Second season:

1) Old Hats and new Brooms .- Alte Besen, neue Hüte - Old Hats, new brooms

2) Alarms and Diversions - Alarm

3) It´s a frog´s life - Frösche unerwünscht - No frogs admitted

4) Crumpets for tea - Einladung zum Tee - Invitation for tea

5) An Inspector Calls - Die Inspektorin - The Inspector

6) Animal Magic - Verkehrte Welt - Upside down

7)Carried Away - Ferien bei Algernon - Holidays at Algernon´s

8) The Dragon´s Hoard - Am reißenden Fluß - At the wild river

9) The Genius of the Lamp - Die Wunderlampe - The Magic Lamp

10) Up in the Air - Die Gründungstagsklausel - The Founder´s Day Clause

11) Fair is Foul and Fouls are Fair - Das Basketballspiel - The Basketball Match

12) Green Fingers and Thumbs - Blütenstaubs Kürbis - Pollen´s Pumpkin

13) The Millennium Bug - Zauberkräfte - Magic Powers

Third Season:

1)The Secret Society -  Der geheime Zirkel - The secret coven

2) An Unforgettable Experience - Das Praktikuk

3) Which Witch? - Wer ist Wer? - Who is Who?

4) The Witchy Hour - Das Radioquiz - The Radio Quiz

5) Learning the Hard Way - Die Referendarin - The Assistant Teacher

6) The Hair Witch Project - Ein haariges Projekt - A hairy project

7) Just like Clockwork - Eine alte Bekannte - An old acquaintance

8)  Art Wars - Das Kunstobjekt - The Artist´s Object

9) Power-Drill - Die neue Frau Drill - The new Miss Drill

10) Better Dead than Co-ed - Zauberer und Hexe - Wizard and Witch

11) The lost Chord - Der verschwundene Akkord - The chord which disappeared

12) The Unfairground - Mitbestimmung -

13) The Uninvited - Die Ungebetene - The Uninvited

14) Christmas Special:  Cinderella in Boots


Season 4: The Wyrdsister Years

1) The All-Seeing Eye - Willkommen in Weirdsister - Welcome to Weirdsisters

2) Never on Fridays - Freitags nie - Never on Fridays

3) The Gargoyle - Der Gargoyle - The Gargoyle

4) The End of Misery´s - Geldsorgen - Worrying about Money

5) All that Jazz -  Überlasted - Overload

6)  Dreamcatcher - Der Traumfänger - The Dreamcatcher

7) Dr Foster, I presume - Foster-freie Magie - Foster-free Magic

8) The seventh Sense Der siebte Sinn - The seventh Sense

9) The golden Cauldron -  Der  goldene Hexenkessel - The golden  Cauldron of the Witches

10) Good Friends -  Gute Freunde - Good Friends

11) Shaky Foundations  -  Shakys große Liebe - The Love of  Shaky´s Life

12) The Whisperer - Die Stimme - The Voice

13) Das Tor zur Macht - The Gate to Power


Question: Does the school song get translated as well?

Answer: Yes. Have a look at my Chanting page for the german and french lyrics.


French Characters

Luckily I could purchase the first three volumes of the French WW books, so I could look for the names. By now I actually was able to watch the french version on DVD for the first time myself, but the character names from the telly series have been sent to me by Arnaut - Merci!

Miss Cackle - Mademoiselle Amelia Caquet  - Mademoiselle Jollidodue 

Miss Hardbroom - Mademoiselle Constance Arebours - Mademoiselle Bâtonsec. Nickname:“HB” - “La mere bat´sec”

Miss Bat -Mademoiselle Davina Bcasse - Mademoiselle Chauveroussie

Miss Drill - Mademoiselle Imogen Vrille - Mademoiselle Dumollet

Mildred Hubble - Amandine Malabul

Maud Moonshine/Spellbody  - Maud Mouchete - Paméla

Enid Nightshade - Isabelle Tromplamor - Enid Datura

Ethel Hallow - Edith Aigreur - Octavie Pâtafiel

Drusilla Paddock - Drusilla Pagaille  - (not in the books)

Jadu Wali - Jadou Wali - (not in the books)

Ruby Cherrytree - Rubie Cerisier - (not in the books)

Griselda Blackwood - Griselda Bravoure - Grisoline de Noirlac

Fenella Feverfew - Fenella Folavoine - (not in books till vol.4)

Sibyl Hallow - Sybille Aigreur - Nathalène Pâtafiel

Clarice Crow - Clarice Crow (doesn´t change) - Clarisse

Miss Gimlet - Mademoiselle Lorgnette (books)

Miss Crotchet - Lavinia Crotchet

Frank Blossom - Frank Massue (not in books)

Mrs Tapioca - Doesn´t change


Dutch Characters

Jitske sent me the list with the dutch names - Thanks!



Miss Amelia Cackle  - Heks Amelia Kakel - Witch Amelia Cackle

Miss Constance Hardbroom - Heks Constance Hakblok - Witch Constance Chopblock

Miss Imogen Drill - Juf Imogen Kim - Miss Imogen Chimp

Mildred Hubble - Merel Hobbel - Merel Bump

Maud Moonshine - Maud Manenschijn - Maud Moonshine

Enid Nightshade - Ingrid Nachtschade - Ingrid Nightshade

Ethel Hallow - Edith Huigel - Edith Feign

Drusilla Paddock - ?

Jadu Wali - ?

Ruby Cherrytree - ?

Fenella Feverfew - Vanella Wiggelkoe - Vanella ?

Griselda Blackwood - Griselda Breekhout - Griselda Breakwood

Sibyl Hallow - Sara Huigel - Sara Feign

Clarice Crow - ?

Helibore - Hellerook - Hellsmoke

Algernon Rowan-Webb - Evertjan Dromenster - Evertjian Dreamstar

Weirdsister College - Gekkeheks  College - Weirdwitch College

Cas Crowfeather - Tes? - Tes ?

Prof. Starfinder - Prof. Sterzoeker - Prof Starseeker

Nick Hobbes - ? Hops - ? Hops





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